Marine oil from plastic waste

Plastic is everywhere in the modern world. Also in many places where it really should not be. From landfills to oceans, plastic waste is a considerable problem that threatens ecosystems and public health all over the planet. Some of it can be recycled, but not all. However, we can take the portion that is not suited for recycling and use it to create high-quality, low-emission marine oil for the shipping industry. Plastic is made from oil, after all, and it can become oil again.


Protects air purity and natural resources

With a sulphur content considerably lower than conventional marine gas oil, this fuel offers significant environmental advantages. Its low emissions of harmful particles fulfill all requirements set out by the International Maritime Organisation’s 2020 regulations. At the same time, each barrel of plastic waste oil produced and consumed is one less barrel of oil that need to be pumped out of the earth and refined - and less plastic clogging up our surrounding environment. The result: less carbon in our atmosphere, and a more efficient use of our planet’s resources.


Performance equal to or better than conventional fuel

Due to its purity and high quality, oil created from plastic waste is able to match or even exceed the efficiency of conventional marine fuels, such as marine gas oil or heavy diesel oil.


Created by modern technology

Our oil is produced in a system called Plastcon, developed by our partners MAKEEN Energy. It uses a process of shredding, pyrolysis, gasification and distillation that is highly efficient and yields 80% oil from the mass of plastic waste being fed into it. The remaining 20%, a mix of gases and carbon black, can be used in other applications - so nothing is wasted.


Are you ready to upgrade your energy?

If you are interested in making the switch to sustainable fuel made from plastic waste? Don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will happily answer all your questions.