Our values shape our business - not the other way around

We believe strongly in the power of values. We hold certain principles about the way we run our business and interact with others which lay the foundation for all our activities. These principles are something that we use every day as a framework to make sure that we are on the right path - to create success for our customers as well as contributing to the kind of world we want.


Be better than yesterday

We take pride in a job well done, but we also know that there is always something we can improve upon. It is crucial that we never view our knowledge, our skills and our capabilities as static. That is why, at the end of every project, we make a point of reviewing the entire process to see what we can learn from it. These new learnings help us become more effective and efficient with each passing day.


When we say something, we do it

No empty words – what we say is what we do. We do not make promises that we can’t keep. We value open and honest communication, and if we find that we may not be able to meet your initial expectations, we will be upfront about it. Realistic and aligned expectations are one of the best foundations for a strong partnership and mutual success.


Think sustainability in everything

Our planet demands and deserves that we think carefully about how we use its resources. That involves making use of materials that are otherwise thought of as problematic such as plastic waste or waste lubricants. The more we can use every single resource available to us in a sustainable manner, the more we are able to contribute to a better future.

Turning yesterday’s waste
into today’s energy