We are your supplier of high-quality energy from responsible sources

At Opus, we provide alternatives to conventional fuel, that still satisfies all the requirements of the demanding shipping industry. By taking advantage of under-utilised resources, such as plastic waste and waste lubricants, we deliver fuel that is both sustainably sourced, ensures high performance and is low on harmful emissions. By choosing these fuels, you spare our planet from the burden of considerable amounts of harmful waste.

All our fuels are compliant with the International Maritime Organisation’s 2020 regulations, making them an ideal component for your organisation’s green strategy. Due to the abundance of the source materials, and agreements with our suppliers , we are able to make reliable deliveries in high quantities at rates that are competitive with conventional fuels on the market.


Marine oil from plastic

Plastic is made from oil, and plastic can become oil once more. Since plastic waste is such a prolific problem all over the world, we think it only makes sense to turn it into something useful. Through a process of shredding, heating and distillation, our production plant transforms plastic waste into marine oil for ship engines that has lower emissions than its conventional counterparts. It’s the ideal way to maximise performance while living up to your company’s green ambitions.


Re-refined oil from lubricants

Oil-based lubricants are used to keep machinery running smoothly in many industries. Once spent, they become a waste product and a burden - unless another purpose is found for them. By re-refining used lubricant oil, our partner produces a clear and clean-burning oil that is excellent fuel for ship engines.


Here is what our partners and customers have said about us.