Power your ship with re-refined lubricant oil

Lubricant oil is used in many industries, and in high volumes, to keep machines and gears running smoothly. At some point, however, the lubricant needs to be replaced and ends up as a waste product. But that should never be the end of its life cycle. This so-called waste product can, in fact, be re-refined into excellent products including marine fuel.

Some day, the world may move away from oil-based lubricants. For now, however, we think it is our responsibility to get as much use out of this resource as possible.


A part of your green strategy

Once re-refined, oil-based lubricants become a clear and aesthetically pleasing oil - but it has more going for it than just its good looks. With a low sulphur content, it contributes to cleaner air compared to using heavy fuel oil or marine diesel. So much so, in fact, that it lives up to the strict requirements of the International Maritime Organisation’s strict 2020 regulations.

In addition, the quality of the fuel is compliant with the ISO 8217:2017 standard for marine distillate fuels. Its performance is top-level, so you don’t have to worry about sacrificing quality for environmental concerns - this fuel has both.


One resource, many uses

Aside from powering ship engines, re-refined oil-based lubricants can be used as an asphalt extender, supplementing the traditional bitumen used in roads and, therefore, reducing the amount of bitumen needed. It truly is a versatile resource that deserves better than to be treated as a waste product!


Are you ready to upgrade your energy?

Contact us to hear more about the advantages of our resource-conscious fuels. We are always eager to answer your questions.