Turning yesterday’s waste
into today’s energy


To build a sustainable future for our planet, we need to completely rethink our approach to resources. Not just how we use the resources we have now, but also which things we consider to be resources. A lot of what we commonly think of as waste products are, in fact, valuable resources that can be used to, among other things, produce efficient and environmentally beneficial energy.

At Opus Energy Trading, we are all about offering alternatives.. We believe in utilising our underused resources, such as spent lubricant oil or plastic waste, to produce sustainable and high-quality fuels is a win-win. Not only can we offer new life to materials that would otherwise pollute nature or end up in landfills – We can also provide you with a source of energy that keeps your emissions low and supports your company’s green strategy.

Treat your engines to high quality energy - that also benefits the environment